
Food Tours

Tradition, passion, high quality: these are the characteristics of the Italian gastronomic product, almost impossible to imitate, a true excellence of Made in Italy. Each region has preserved its traditions and has been cultivating local products for generations, proposing them in traditional or revisited recipes. The insiders are also famous (just think of all the Italian starred chefs, famous overseas producers, etc.) and the inevitable reference to the Mediterranean diet, declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2010.


4 Days Itinerary

Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

3 Days Itinerary

Parmesan Cheese

3 Days Itinerary


3 Days Itinerary

Mediatour - Tour Operator & Agenzia Viaggi - di International Group srl - Aut. Prov. Padova n.1523 - Milano 54 Padova /IT - Part. IVA 04987810282 

Tel. +39 049 8766730  - -